Let’s Bake


Do you love making baking and making cakes, sugar art and all kinds of goodies?

Are you a new to Cake Decorating?  Maybe you’ve been wanting to learn more but just don’t feel like there’s anyone to to help?  Or, maybe you’ve been decorating cakes but still struggling silently with some issues and don’t know how to master skills?

I remember how much I struggled when I first started decorating cakes.  So I totally get where you may be right now.   

Baking has always been like therapy for me.  And I fell in love with baking and creating things that were edible.  So while I did gain lots of knowledge and skills by going to culinary school, there were still things I had to learn by trial and error.  It took some serious fails to learn what NOT to do when making a tiered cake.  And it took lots of practice to learn things like, how to build a structurally solid cake, how to get nice crisp edges on my cakes and how to price my cakes so I wasn’t giving them away.

DIY Cake and Crafts was created with YOU in mind!

No one wants to goof up a recipe or design element when you’re hoping to

impress family, friends or a paying customer


I totally get it, so you know what — I’m right here to help you along the way.  I created DIY Cake and Crafts because all too often I saw other cake decorators show off their fancy cakes and sugar art but never shared their true secrets.  Yeah, you know the type…they brag on how good their cake tastes but they never share a recipe.  They say they want to help but reality is they are afraid of having YOU as their competition.  

Guess what, I’m so over that mentality and I really do want to help you.   

I’m busting at the seams excited for you to learn new skills.  So while I paid thousands of dollars to go to culinary school and work my way up to owning my own successful bakery, you don’t have to.   You can benefit from all the knowledge and experience that I have to offer.

Make sure you sign up for my newsletter and I will let you know every time I post a new recipe, how-to’s and tutorials that will help you master your skills.

I want to help you learn new and exciting tips to refine your skills in baking and sugar art.

Let’s create awesomeness together!

p.s.  Did you know that baking is an art?  It is, and that’s why DIY Cake and Crafts is also dedicated to the crafting side of things.  Because reality is cakes and crafts often go hand-in-hand.  So if you haven’t already checked out some of my craft ideas, go ahead and take a peek.  You may find that crafting translates a lot to the cake and baking world too.