What are Hot Chocolate Bombs?

Quite possibly the season’s hottest trend (no pun intended) – Hot Chocolate Bombs!

So, what are hot chocolate bombs anyway?

It wasn’t that long ago that my sister sent me a photo she found on social media with an exploding chocolate bomb. When I saw that, I thought, ‘what a nifty gift idea!’ I couldn’t wait to make these myself and share it with you.

I’ll explain exactly what hot chocolate bombs are and I will also share a step-by-step tutorial on how to make them yourself.


What are Hot Chocolate Bombs anyway? Let me explain.

Hot chocolate bombs are hollow shells of chocolate filled with hot cocoa mix and tiny marshmallows. Sometimes other things are added in like sprinkles, edible glitter, or crushed peppermint candies. 

Hot Cocoa Bombs

Place a hot chocolate bomb into a mug, slowly pour in hot milk, and watch the magic happen!

The hot milk melts the chocolate shell. Then the cocoa and marshmallows come out. The marshmallows then float to the top. Stir the warm milk and chocolate, then enjoy the warm cup of cocoa!

Chocolate Drip Mug and Hot Cocoa Bombs

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How to Make Hot Chocolate Bombs

Making hot chocolate bombs are fun and easy. Best of all, you can make them ahead of time if you want to use them for gifts.

What you need for this recipe:

    • Half-sphere mold, either silicone or plastic
    • A small spoon, silicone spatula, or small offset spatula
    • Hot chocolate cocoa mix
    • Mini marshmallows
    • Crushed peppermint candies (omit if you’d like)
    • Sprinkles or edible glitter (optional)

If you are making these for gifts, I recommend the following packaging items:

If you have a Cricut, try using the new Cricut foil transfer sheets to really make the packaging extra fancy! You can even create custom name tags for holiday gift-giving.

3-Ways to Melt Chocolate

Let’s start with melting the chocolate. I’m going to share three easy ways to melt your chocolate:

Melted Chocolate

  1. Using a Wilton candy melts pot: This is probably the easiest way to melt your chocolate. Place your candy melts or chocolate chips into the melting pot and turn it onto the “low” setting. Give the chocolate a little stir on occasion and allow it to melt slowly. This method is my favorite way to melt chocolate because the melting pot keeps the chocolate warm as I work on other things.
  2. In the Microwave: Melting chocolate in the microwave is easy, but you have to be careful not to burn it. Place your chocolate into a microwave-safe bowl and place it in the microwave for 15-second increments. Continue doing this until your chocolate is completely free of lumps and melted.
  3. Stove-top method: Place your chocolate into a heat-safe bowl over simmering water. Mix continually until the chocolate melts.

Creating the Chocolate Shells

Place a heaping tablespoon of melted chocolate into your mold. Swirl the mold around a bit. As the chocolate starts to set up and get a bit thicker, use the back of a spoon or an offset spatula to push the chocolate up the sides.

Be careful not to allow the chocolate to pool at the bottom of your mold. If this happens, the chocolate will be too thick.  

Pour out any excess onto a piece of parchment paper, allow it to harden, and toss it back in your melting pot.

Once the chocolate firms up, add a bit more into the mold. Swirl your mold around a bit to allow the chocolate to go up the side walls. Adding chocolate to the side-wall ensures that the sides are thick enough to withstand handling. If the chocolate shell is not too thin and it will break.

Allow the chocolate shells to firm up quickly by placing the mold into the refrigerator. When the chocolate hardens, it will release from the mold with ease.  

TIP: Be careful not to force the chocolate bombs out of the mold to prevent breakage.

Assembling your Hot Chocolate Bombs

TIP: I recommend using gloves while assembling these treats so the warmth of your hands doesn’t melt the chocolate shells.

To assemble the hot chocolate bombs, start by gathering all the ingredients that will go inside.  

  • Warm a cookie tray in your oven (not too hot) and set aside until ready to assemble your pieces.
  • Add the cocoa powder, mini-marshmallow, and peppermint pieces to the cavity of one side of the shell.  
  • With a gloved hand, hold the other half of your chocolate shell and carefully touch the outer ring onto the warmed cookie tray for a few seconds.
  • Stick the chocolate shell onto the other shell half that’s filled with all the goodies.
  • Wipe away any excess melted chocolate at the seam and blend it gently.  

VOILA’! You just made a Hot Chocolate Bomb!

Repeat the process until you have completed all of your hot chocolate bombs.

You do not need to store these in the refrigerator. Unless you live in a super hot climate, these hot chocolate bombs should keep at room temperature. If you refrigerate these treats, you risk the cocoa retaining moisture from condensation. The result may be a mess, so steer clear of that.

Peppermint candy canes

Packaging for Hot Chocolate Bombs

Did I mention that I created FREE labels for you to use?  

Grab your free labels here –> I made (10) ten different label designs on one sheet. These cute Hot Chocolate Bomb labels have complete instructions on how to use the cocoa bombs.  

To use the packaging labels, all you have to do is print the sheet on your color printer. Cut out the different labels, then fold it in half over the top of your cellophane bag. Use a stapler and pinch it closed at each side.

I recommend only putting one Hot Chocolate Bomb in each cellophane bag. You can also create a customized gift box that includes a Hot Chocolate Bomb and maybe an edible swizzle stick or a mug that you can customize using your Cricut.  

So, are you ready to get started making Hot Chocolate Bombs?

Leave me a comment in the section below and let me know if I can help you in any way.




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