You’re a crafty and creative mind.

I bet you didn’t know that crafting your own blog is an art!

I started blogging because I wanted to help others who love everything cake and crafts like YOU.

Learning and sharing is the cornerstone of this blog.

Blogging is Fun and Creative


Well I’m glad you asked.

Blogging is a web log of writing having lots to do with a given topic.

Most blogs are niche specific and some are more general.

Blogs provide helpful information to its readers.

So, how did you stumble onto DIY Cake and Crafts? I bet it was because you were searching for something specific that happens to be one of the subjects in my blog. And there you have it, that’s why I’m here…to help YOU and answer your questions having to do with cakes and crafting.

If you’re interested in learning more about blogging, I’ll be creating new posts soon to get deeper into blogging. I’ll be sharing how you can start your own blog.