Quick Guide to Starting Subscription and Kit Boxes

Quick Guide to Starting Subscription and Kit Boxes

Who knew that 2020 was going to be such a game-changer for so many people around the world?  What I mean is, businesses have had to adapt to meet the needs of their customers.  Subscription and Kit Boxes are an effective way to bring your products directly to your customer on a recurring basis.  

Do you wonder what you can do about your cake or craft business to keep on top of the ever-changing trends?  In this post, I’m going to share a Quick Guide to Starting Subscription and Kit Boxes

Cookie Subscription box

AFFILIATE LINKS: DIYCakeandCrafts is participating in affiliate programs. Some of my posts may contain affiliate links meaning I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you when you make a qualifying purchase. I only promote products that I have personally used or believe in.

What is a Subscription or Kit Box?

A subscription or kit box is a pre-packaged box that can include:

  • All or most of what a consumer needs to put a product together
  • A box filled with prepared goodies that change every month

Coffee subscription box

Why Start Selling Subscription or Kit Boxes?

When the pandemic hit in early 2020, my cake and craft business all but came to a screeching halt!  I had so many cancellations that it almost threw me into ruins.  So, I remembered how the blog post I wrote, 11 Fun Virtual Birthday Party Ideas for Kids got the attention of so many readers.  It helped me focus on a product idea that would help me stay connected with my customers.  That’s why the idea of subscription or kit boxes came to mind.

Help Customers Remember You

Your old customers may not likely to forget about your awesome creations.  But sometimes, out of sight is out of mind.   So, what can you do to stay at the forefront of your customers’ minds?  You can do this by coming up with other creative ways to still offer your baked goods or crafts.  Let them know about the new and exciting products you have to offer.  

When you start offering subscription or kit boxes, your customers will love the convenience.  They will not only be repeat customers but best of all, they will refer their friends to you.

How to Start a Subscription or Kit Box

First, determine what you want to sell.  What are you already making that is a hit with your customers, co-workers, friends, and family?  Think outside the box and expand on what you are already good at.  If you are a baker or a crafter, the products you could offer in your subscription or kit box is really endless.

The second step is to plan.  Consider what you want to offer in each box.  Think about exactly what the customer needs to achieve optimal results. I would highly recommend including an instructional sheet that shows a photo of what the goal is.  It’s going to be really important for you to stay organized.  So, having a calendar or planner is going to be key to keeping your sanity when you start to get really busy. 


Third, SELL the SIZZLE!  What do I mean?  When you go to a restaurant and someone walks by with a flaming hot plate of fajitas, you get sold on the SIZZLE, not the steak.  So make sure your packaging and what you include in the subscription or kit box is pretty.  Don’t just slap a few things together and make it look mish-mosh. 

This is your time to shine!  GLAM up that box and WOW your customer!

Lastly, find your tribe of loyal raving customers.  I bet you already have a group of people you can think of who would love to get your subscription or kit box month after month.  We all love surprises, but it’s even better when it’s a mystery box of crafts or goodies.  

What’s in Your Subscription or Kit Box?

If you’re not sure what you can offer in a subscription or kit box, I can help.  I put together a list of 8 Great Ideas for Subscription or Kit Boxes.  You can access it in my Free Resources Library.

Still need more inspiration? Or want to go even bigger with your subscription and Kit Boxes?  Check out Cratejoy.  You can even apply to sell your subscription boxes via Cratejoy.

self care gifts

So, what think?  Are you ready to get started with your subscription or kit box?   Let me know in the comments what type of ideas you have for a subscription or kit box.  If you need more detailed resources for getting started, email me and I’d be happy to help!

DIY Cake and Crafts Happy Crafting


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